TAERE 2022 Summer School
Climate Change and Natural Carbon Storage
【氣候變遷與自然碳匯】暑期課程為線上同步活動,本會很榮幸邀請美國猶他州立大學 Man-Keun Kim 教授與Simon S.-Y. Wang 教授,為學員介紹美國氣候變遷政策與碳捕捉、封存與碳匯交易之實例,並說明因應氣候變遷之調適工具。全程參與課程者將授予結業證書。
課程日期| 2022/7/20(三)09:00-17:00
課程報名費 | 台灣環境與資源經濟學會會員免費參加,非會員之學生300元 / 社會人士1000元
主辦單位 | 台灣環境與資源經濟學會、國立陽明交通大學經營管理研究所
聯絡方式|常小姐 Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
Summer School--Climate Change and Natural Carbon Storage is an online program with 2 lecture. In the first lecture, Prof. Man-Keun Kim will share carbon sequestration and its trading in U.S.. During the second lecture, Prof. Simon S.-Y. Wang will talk about the cause of climate change and what it can cause. Participants successfully complete the program will be awarded participation certificates.
Date| 2022/7/20 Wed. 09:00-17:00
Registration Fee| NT$1,000 ( NT$300 for Students )
Free for Members of Taiwan Association of Environmental and Resource Economics.
Registration Form | https://forms.gle/krVJZKnY1kwXz4JVA
Organizer | Taiwan Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, and Institute of Business and Management, NYCU
Contact| Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它