第十三屆亞洲環境與資源經濟學會 (AAERE) 學術研討會徵稿啟示


The 13th Congress of the Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (AAERE) 

August 26 to 27, 2024, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Hsinchu, Taiwan

The cross-regional cooperation and industrial transition toward net-zero emissions in Asia



The 13th Congress of the Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (AAERE) will be held at National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Hsinchu, Taiwan, from August 26 to 27, 2024. The 13th Congress will be a hybrid (in-person and online) conference: The audience can utilize both in-person and online channels, while a presenter will make the presentation in person at the venue. However, an online presentation may be available for a participant who cannot come to the venue for specific reasons, such as travel restriction or health issues.

The 13th Congress of the AAERE succeeds the very successful previous Congresses held in Hokkaido (2010), Bandung (2012), Huangsan (2013), Busan (2014), Taipei (2015), Fukuoka (2016), Singapore (2017), Beijing (2019), Seoul (2021), Ho Chi Minh (2022) and Tokyo (2023). In 2018, the AAERE jointly organized the 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists (WCERE), in cooperation with the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) and the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) held in Gothenburg, Sweden.

You are invited to submit theoretical and empirical papers in all areas of environmental and resource economics for presentation in this 13th Congress.


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